Choosing good lawyer in the Netherlands can be a challenge, especially if you do not speak Dutch and are not familiar with the Dutch legal system. The Review Committee of the Dutch Law Institute has compiled the following lists of recommended lawyers to assist English speakers in their search.
The Dutch Law Institute has developed a selection process for selecting the country's top lawyers in their respective fields of practice. We take great care to ensure this selection process is fair, objective and honest; as non-profit organization, our goal is to promote legal professionalism without any commercial interests when compiling this list. Our protocol guarantees an impartial selection process with lawyers selected who truly deserve this honor.
To create these lists of lawyers in the Netherlands, the Institute went through several steps.
Determining Selection Criteria: We begin by outlining the criteria that will be used to assess lawyers. These standards must be precise, specific, and pertinent to the legal profession.
Generating a Shortlist: We compile a list of potential candidates based on the defined criteria. This shortlist is generated using various methods, such as peer nominations, online research and consulting legal directories.
Evaluating Candidates: Once shortlisted, each candidate is evaluated based on selection criteria. This assessment involves both objective and subjective methods such as reviewing cases and publications, conducting interviews, and asking for client feedback.
Ranking Candidates: After evaluations have been completed, candidates are ranked according to their performance against selection criteria. This ranking is transparent and communicated to all involved parties.
Verifying Information: Before making our selection, we verify all information provided by candidates. This verification includes reference checks, background checks and other methods.
Declaring the Top Lawyers in the Netherlands: After conducting exhaustive ranking and verification processes, top legal practitioners in the Dutch jurisdiction are identified and listed. This data is then published in an established online, so it can be easily accessed by the public.
At every step of the selection process, we uphold ethical principles. Any conflicts of interest are identified and resolved, while the selection committee consists of impartial individuals with relevant expertise. Feedback from potential candidates is welcomed and taken into account.
The Dutch Law Institute believes its protocol for selecting the top lawyers in the Netherlands sets a new standard for fairness, objectivity and honesty. As an organization dedicated to promoting the legal profession in the Netherlands, we are proud to share this protocol with others and welcome any feedback or queries that you may have.